
16 October 2023
Free bedtime story books for all children, 4 years of age and under

 On the 6th October Roderic O’ Gorman, Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and Heather Humphreys, Minister for Rural and Community Development announced the First 5 Little Book at Bedtime initiative, in collaboration with public libraries and the Local Government Management Agency. Free bedtime story books and library card wallets are available at […]

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17 April 2023
Laurence Ginnell : a Westmeath politician

To mark the 100th anniversary of the death of Laurence Ginnell we are sharing part of the Laurence Ginnell Commemorative Committee exhibition from 2016. Find out more about Laurence Ginnell by reading one of our posts below, or search our catalogue for a book to borrow from your local library

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24 March 2021
A visit to Meehanbee, Drum, during National Tree Week

by Aine, from Athlone Library National Tree Week was first celebrated in 1985.  It is organised by the Tree Council of Ireland, in partnership with Coillte, and falls between 21 and 27 March 2021. Though organised celebrations feature a virtual aspect this year, we can still find ways to celebrate the wonderful world of trees […]

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12 February 2021
Athlone in the Spring light

Do you feel that the routes you take for regular exercise are currently “On Repeat”?  Well here is your opportunity to shake that up!  With the “Fresh Eyes” project, you are being asked to observe, notice, admire; then capture what you loved in a photo. Whereas we get many days in February that aren’t sunny, […]

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1 February 2021
A walk along Athlone's Coosan Point Road

Do you feel that the routes you take for regular exercise are currently “On Repeat”?  Well here is your opportunity to shake that up!  With the “Fresh Eyes” project, you are being asked to observe, notice, admire; then capture what you loved in a photo. Of my local routes, the favourite I have chosen for […]

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