Handheld digital magnifier available

Westmeath Libraries are delighted to say that we have added some assistive technology for people experiencing varying levels of sight loss using portable hand magnifiers to our libraries. The Looky is a video magnifier with which you can examine enlarged pictures and text. The zoom is adjustable and can be used for both reading and writing.

We believe these devices can be valuable tools for someone who has resigned themselves to not being able to read and navigate like they had been able to do previously or ever. These assistive devices could unlock people’s ability to read, for people to gain access to information in printed materials such as books, newspapers, magazines and even mail. These devices can also help people access and navigate the internet.

If you would like to use these video magnifiers please ask in your local library.

  • Looky4 - available in Athlone, Mullingar, Castlepollard, and Moate Libraries
  • Looky10 - available in Athlone and Mullingar Libraries
  • Looky5 - available in Athlone and Mullingar Libraries

Funded by the Dormant Accounts 2024
