Script Development Workshop with Molly O’Driscoll - In Partnership with NTA

Script Development Workshop with Molly O’Driscoll - In Partnership with NTA

NTA Film & TV and the Westmeath County Arts Office are excited to offer writers a unique opportunity to participate in a Script Development Workshop in Athlone on Saturday, September 28th

This day-long, practical workshop is aimed at new and emerging writers who want to further hone and develop their screenwriting skills with a deeper understanding of script analysis and script development. 

The workshop will focus on live-action drama short film screenplays, with much of the content also applicable to longer-form dramatic narratives.

Applicants will be asked to submit a short film script, which must currently be in active development. 

Course Content: 
  • The Fundamentals of a Dramatic Narrative: Character & Conflict 
  • Key Characteristics of Successful Short Films  
  • The Dramatic Moment  
  • Crafting a Strong Dramatic Premise  
  • Dramatic Structure, Set Up and Payoff, Causality 
  • Creating and Building Dramatic Tension 
  • Subverting Expectation: The Plot Twist 
  • Theme & The Defining Metaphor 
  • Show, Don’t Tell: Engaging the Audience Through Visual Writing & Subtext  
  • An Introduction to Script Analysis & Editing  
  • Key Questions to Consider When Analysing a Short Film Screenplay  

This workshop will take place in Mullingar on Saturday Sep 28st from approximately 9- 5PM. 

Deadline to apply is Monday Sep 9th at 12PM noon.  

Who Can Apply: 

Writers must:

  • Have a Live-Action-Drama Short Film Script in development and ready to share 
  • Be living and working in Ireland, 
  • Be over 18 years of age,  
  • Be out of education.  

Once applicants meet the above requirements, all new and emerging writers, who are working or wish to work in live action film and TV are welcome to apply.  

The NTA Film & TV will meet the access requirements of the selected applicants, while adjusting the programme accordingly, and cover the associated costs. 

For any questions on eligibility, please email 

How To Apply:  

Interested writers apply by completing the linked form link HERE 

In this form you will be asked to supply a download (Google Drive or Dropbox preferred) link with the follow materials: 

  • Media CV – detailing relevant experience.  
  • A personal statement (a written, filmed or audio-recorded statement) which tells us a little more about your background, expands on any other related experience and that speaks to how this opportunity could help your career, project and/or professional development.  
  • A synopsis and logline (or pitch deck) of the short film script you would like to work on as part of the workshop. 

Please title each folder/document with your Full Name and documentation type. (e.g ‘SamKing.CV’ ) 

Applicants may apply as an individual or as a co-writing team, but applicants may apply only once. An incomplete application will not be taken into consideration.    

Deadline to apply is Monday Sep 9th at 12PM noon.  
Selection Process: 

Please note half the places on this workshop will be available to writers engaged with the Westmeath Film Award / Westmeath Arts Office film.

The remainder of places will be open to NTA applicants.

Further Information:

The National Talent Academy for Film and TV is an initiative of Screen Ireland managed by Ardán. 

The Westmeath Arts Office provides support for the professional, voluntary, community and amateur arts sectors in Westmeath and provides information and advice to the community on Arts related issues.

The County Arts Office aims to promote access, appreciation, awareness and enjoyment of the arts for all citizens of County Westmeath and also aims to stimulate interest in and promote the knowledge and appreciation of the Arts throughout the County. 

The Westmeath Film Award aims to foster talent, creativity and activity in filmmaking in County Westmeath. A grant of €10,000 is awarded annually to a local filmmaker towards the cost of production of a short drama or documentary film of 10-15 min duration to be shot in Westmeath.

This article was published on: 23rd August, 2024
Filed under: Arts News, News
