
18 July 2022
My Open Library comes to Westmeath

The My Open Library initiative allows you to access from 8am through until 10pm, seven days a week. Your library is your space to relax and read, study and research, write and use the computers and have access to a printer. My Open Library is available in Castlepollard and Moate libraries, to sign up to […]

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8 June 2022
The prelude to civil war in Westmeath: the Protestant experience

by Dr. Paul Hughes Between the Irish censuses of 1911 and 1926, the Protestant population of Westmeath – that is, people living in the county who professed the creeds of ‘Protestant Episcopalianism’ (Church of Ireland/Scotland/England), Methodism and Presbyterianism – fell by 49.4 percent.[mfn]Census of Ireland reports, 1911 and 1926 (available at[/mfn]  According to figures cited by […]

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22 March 2021
Summer of 2020

Submitted by Bill Ryan - Field beside Castlepollard Summer of 2020 filled with yellow flowers of the Rapeseed Crop

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