
18 July 2022
My Open Library comes to Westmeath

The My Open Library initiative allows you to access from 8am through until 10pm, seven days a week. Your library is your space to relax and read, study and research, write and use the computers and have access to a printer. My Open Library is available in Castlepollard and Moate libraries, to sign up to […]

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14 July 2022
The first week of the Irish Civil War in Westmeath: part two

by Dr. Paul Highes Athlone and south Westmeath Reports of the outbreak of civil war published by the Westmeath Independent were redolent of those sensational and bewildered paragraphs which appeared in the Westmeath Examiner in the wake of the 1916 rising. ‘No news and too much rumour’ read one headline, while another column carried eyewitness reports of the fighting […]

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29 March 2021
The forgotten backbone of Westmeath

Historic buildings such as this early 1800 cottage are a symbol of how life was in years gone by. These vernacular buildings are a very special aspect of the Westmeath landscape and I feel they need to be explored more. Not too many of these sights can be seen throughout the world and we should […]

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