As part of Westmeath County Council’s Creative Ireland Programme for 2025, we are inviting applications for a number of grants and residencies. You will find details of all available funding below.
All funding streams will be assessed by a panel. Applicants are welcome to apply for all available funding, but should note that, due weight will be given to allow for fair distribution of funding.
There will be an introductory information session to the application process for interested artists and community groups. This will take place online on Monday 27th January from 15:30. Register your attendance.
There will also be individual online support clinics for applicants who wish to discuss their projects with the Creative Westmeath team. Select your one-on-one clinic time.
The Westmeath Creative Ireland Community Grant is a county-wide call to community groups, organisations, venues, and individuals working in the creative arts including arts, culture, and heritage. The call encourages the development of high-quality creative projects and programmes which enable groups and individuals to realise their full creative potential.
There are two strands of funding available under this grant stream.
Strand One: Proposals amounting to €5,000. This strand is fixed at €5,000, applications for less will not be considered. Applications for more must outline sources of funding for the balance.
Strand Two: Proposals amounting to €10,000. This strand is fixed at €10,000, applications for less will not be considered. Applications for more must outline sources of funding for the balance.
The deadline for applications is Wednesday 12th February at 12pm.
Fill out the Online Application Form for Strand One.
Fill out the Online Application Form for Strand Two.
The Westmeath Creative Ireland Creative Practitioner Residency is a county-wide call to creative practitioners across all creative fields - arts, heritage, literature, makers, dance, audio visual, music, theatre, circus. 12-week long residencies will be available for five creative practitioners across the creative sector.
The deadline for applications is Wednesday 12th February at 12pm.
Fill out the Online Application Form
The Westmeath Creative Ireland Festival Grant is a county-wide call to community groups, organisations, venues, and individuals working to develop a creative festival programme in Westmeath.
Festivals play an integral role in broadening public and community access to creativity and the arts. In Westmeath, the inaugural Festival Development Grant has been designed to provide significant funding to small or mid-sized festivals within the county. This funding will allow a selected festival team to develop a festival at a local level which will significantly contribute to the cultural landscape of the county.
The deadline for applications is Wednesday 5th February at 12pm.
Fill out the Online Application Form
If you are starting to plan your Creative Ireland project for 2025 and are not sure where you should begin, have a look at the Creative Ireland website for inspiration. We are open to proposals which encompass any creative idea or activity.
If you have any queries, email
This article was published on: 15th January, 2025
Filed under: Arts News, Creative Ireland, News
Tags: Arts, Creative Ireland