Information and advice

What is Heritage?

The 1995 Heritage Act defines 'Heritage' as monuments, archaeological objects, heritage objects, architectural heritage, flora, fauna, wildlife habitats, landscapes, seascapes, wrecks, geology, heritage gardens and parks, inland waterways.

Heritage News & Events

If you would like to be included on the mailing list for regular mail outs about Westmeath Heritage News & Events register with the Westmeath Heritage Office.  

There are also regular updates on Facebook and X and Instagram

Heritage Week

Coordinated by the Heritage Council, National Heritage Week is Ireland’s most popular cultural event. National Heritage Week is part of European Cultural Heritage Days which promote Europe’s common cultural heritage.

Westmeath Heritage Office

The Heritage Council supports the heritage officer and biodiversity officer posts in Westmeath County Council and in addition, provides support for the delivery of the County Heritage Plan actions. Many of these actions are profiled during National Heritage Week each August which the Heritage Council and heritage teams co-ordinate.

The current Heritage Officer, Melanie McQuade, was appointed in June 2017. 

The role of the Heritage Officer is to

  • Work with the Heritage Forum to draft the Westmeath Heritage Plan.
  • Work with the Heritage Forum to continue to deliver actions of the Westmeath Heritage Plan.
  • Work with groups and individuals to help plan and deliver appropriate heritage related projects
  • To assist all sections of Westmeath County Council on heritage related matters

For further information contact

The Westmeath Heritage Forum has been active over the years and meets every quarter. 

The Westmeath Heritage Office, along with the members of the Westmeath Heritage Forum, aims to 'work to increase awareness and appreciation of our manmade, cultural and natural heritage in the county, leading to actions which promote its protection, enhancement and vitality.'

Westmeath Heritage Forum

The Westmeath Heritage Forum is a key component in the Heritage Plan process. The Forum is a non-statutory group established by the Council which provides advice on the preparation and implementation of the County's Heritage Plan.

The Forum has members representing local and national Government, state agencies, local heritage, community groups, NGOs, local business and development, the farming sector and heritage professions. In addition, the Forum can co-opt individuals or representatives of organisations with a particular expertise where this is deemed necessary.

Heritage Plan 2024-2030

The Strategic Heritage Plan is a working document that sets out clear objectives and practical actions to ensure greater awareness, understanding, protection and enjoyment of our unique heritage in a sustainable manner over the life of the plan. This plan was adopted by the Elected Members on 18th December 2023.

Print copies of the plan are available on request from the Heritage Office ( and can be viewed in branches of Westmeath Libraries’.

Please click here to view the Westmeath Heritage Plan 2024-2030.

Plean Oidhreachta Straitéiseachnah Iarmhí 2024-2030

Heritage Council

The Heritage Council part-funds the network of Heritage Officers employed in Local Authorities across the country. The Heritage Council’s vision is that the value of our heritage is enjoyed, managed and protected for the vital contribution that it makes to our identity, well-being and future. For more information on the work of the Heritage Council, please visit  

Conservation & Heritage 

Please click here for further detail on Conservation & Heritage.

Further Information
