

What is Archaeology?
Archaeology is the study of our past through material remains (monuments, features and artefacts)

Where are the archaeological monuments and sites in Co. Westmeath?

Information about the many archaeological monuments and sites in County Westmeath can be found on and information on archaeological excavations that have beencarried out (since 1970) can be found at

Reporting a New Archaeological Monument or Site

If you have found a site that is not recorded on the Record of Monuments and Places ( you can report it to the National Monuments Service by completing the Monument Report form.

What to do if you find an Archaeological Object

All archaeological objects that are discovered should, by law, be deposited with the National Museum as they belong to the State. (Under the National Monuments Amendment Act 1994). If you do find an item you should call the National Museum within 48 hours. Tel (01) 6777444.

Further information including that on artefacts from the county can be found here

Carrying out Works at or within the vicinity of an Archaeological Monument or Site

Under the National Monuments Acts (1930 – 2014) the requirement of owners, occupiers and/or developers to give the Minister two months advance notice of their intention to carry out any works to or within the vicinity of a Recorded  Monument. All applications should be sent to:- National Monuments Service
Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht
Room G50
Custom House
Dublin 1


Several monuments are designated National Monuments, these tend to be in State or Local Authority ownership/guardianship or are subject to a preservation order. There are 13 National Monuments in Westmeath (for a list click here). Ministerial Consent is required for any works at, or close, to a National Monument and/or a monument which is the subject of a preservation order (see here). Notification and Ministerial Consent forms are available here.

National Monuments Service Archive

The Archaeological Survey of Ireland SMR paper files are stored in the National Monuments Service Archive Unit. These may be inspected at the National Monuments Service Archive Unit, Room G62, Custom House, Dublin 1. The archive is open to the public every Friday between 10am and 5pm.
To make an appointment please contact the Archive either by telephone (01) 8883922 or by email
