Submitted by Ger O'Connor - GPO Stone , This is the only 1916 Centenary Monument anywhere with such an artifact from the GPO Dublin
Submitted by Ger O'Connor - GPO Stone , This is the only 1916 Centenary Monument anywhere with such an artifact from the GPO Dublin
Historic buildings such as this early 1800 cottage are a symbol of how life was in years gone by. These vernacular buildings are a very special aspect of the Westmeath landscape and I feel they need to be explored more. Not too many of these sights can be seen throughout the world and we should […]
Submitted by Jacqui Russell - This was taken at Fore, just around astronomical darkness. I was only playing with a new lens, but I really love how it came out, and seeing Fore against a backdrop of the ageless stars.
Submitted by Kathy O'Grady Reilly - This was taken in Multyfarnham, at the water pump, with St Nicholas Church in the background.
It is quite close to my home and while it looks sunny and peaceful on the other side there was floods in fields and getting close to homes. It was almost s if there was two sides to the picture in my head. Submitted by Hannah McGee
This is a picture of the road in the area I live and it shows the beauty in such a simple area and how everyday places can look amazing if you just pay attention. - Submitted by Alannah Holmes
Submitted by Bill Ryan - Field beside Castlepollard Summer of 2020 filled with yellow flowers of the Rapeseed Crop
An audit of Geological Heritage Sites in Westmeath was carried out by Geologists Robert Meehan, Ronan Hennessy, Matthew Parkes and Siobhan Power, funded by the Heritage Council with support from Westmeath County Council. A desktop study of the County Geological sites (CGS) informed a programme of field work, during which the Geologists visited each CGS […]
Barrows are prehistoric burial sites, typically defined by a circular ditch surrounding a mound and/or a bank. They date from the Bronze Age (c.2,5000 -700 BC) through to the Iron Age (c.700 BC – AD 400) (i.e. c. 4,500 – 1,500 years ago). County Westmeath has one of the largest concentrations of barrows in Ireland […]