Handspinning event in Mullingar Library

On Saturday last, 17th September 2022, Mullingar Library hosted Áine Dunne for a hands-on demonstration of some hand spinning techniques. This workshop was booked out well in advance.

Áine brought along a bag of raw wool, as well as some she had washed, and a small sample of Alpaca wool. She then demonstrated how to spin the fleece into yarn with just your fingers. Before progressing on to show how a drop-spindle works. Áine also had her spinning wheel in the library to show the attendees.

Everyone who attended really enjoyed the workshop, with everyone saying that they had learned something. And of course, they all got to go away with their very own piece of ball of wool, that they had spun themselves! It might have been a very small ball, but everyone has to start somewhere.

This event was part of Westmeath Libraries' Inspire Your World at the Library, funded by Creative Ireland.

Want to know more about wool & spinning? Why not request one of the following items?
