Archives are primary sources. They come in various formats and media including paper records, electronic records (e.g. on computer disks), maps, plans, photographs, drawings, sound recordings and film. They may be consulter in the Reading Room of County Library Headquarters.
You must contact the Archives Department prior to your visit to discuss your query.
Further information on our Archives Holdings is available on the following links. To consult material contact the Archives Department.
The Archives Service is at an early stage of development and much of its holdings are in storage. Due to the very large backlog of material for processing, much will remain unavailable to the public for the foreseeable future. Westmeath County Council adheres to the ‘thirty year rule’ (meaning that in general, archives that are thirty years old and over are made available for research) however, the Service reserves the right to ‘close’ specific material for reasons such as the sensitivity of its content or its fragile condition.
Copies may be made from microfilm, however, please note that the photocopying of original material is prohibited as it may damage the archives. For further information contact: Archives Department, Westmeath Libraries Headquarters,
Tel.: 044-9332162