Abuse – Physical & Sexual

Useful books:

Overcoming Childhood Trauma
Helen Kennerley
London: Robinson, 2000

Breaking Free: help for survivors of child sexual abuse
Carolyn Inscough and Kay Toon
London: Sheldon, 2000

One Small Step: moving beyond  trauma and therapy to a life of joy

Yvonne Dolan
San Jose: Authors Choice Press, 2000

Lean on Me: an information guide for women.  
Limerick: Adapt Services, 2001

Breaking Free Workbook
Carolyn Ainscough and Kay Toon.
London : Sheldon, 2000.

Domestic Violence and Child Protection : directions for good practice
edited by Cathy Humphreys and Nicky Stanley.
London :  Jessica Kingsley, 2006.

Visit the library catalogue to see where these titles are held.

Useful Websites:

 Rape Crisis Network Ireland
emotional support service
National Office for the Prevention of Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence

Women's Aid      

support and resources for people who have experienced sexual abuse and/or sexual violence

Therapy and counselling services for children, families and groups who have been affected by sexual abuse.


Athlone Midlands Rape Crisis Centre:1800 306 600
Connect National Adult Counselling Helpline: 1800 477 477
Mullingar Women in Crisis: 1850214814
MOVE (Men Overcoming Violence):  01 8724357 / 065 684 8689
Rape Crisis Helpline: 1800 7788888
Women’s Aid: 1800 341 900Barnardos: 01 4549699 / 1850 222300
One-in-Four: 01 662070    
CARI: 1890 924567
AMEN (Violence against men): 046 9023718
Domestic Violence: 1800 444944
