Westmeath Film Award 2022

This award is funded by Westmeath County Council and the Arts Council. It aims to foster talent, creativity and activity in filmmaking in County Westmeath. A grant of €10,000 will be awarded to a filmmaker towards the cost of production of a short drama or documentary film of 10-12 min duration to be shot in Westmeath in 2022. We are seeking proposals and applications from film makers who have a script that has been developed, seen by a Director and has had input from a Producer. The Award is in the form of a grant and is set at €10,000 towards the cost of the production. We are looking for innovative, entertaining stories by talented filmmakers who, if selected, must set and shoot their project in County Westmeath. Westmeath County Council will offer location support and guidance as requested, especially in relation to accessing locations and local resources.

Arts Officer Miriam Mulrennan says “We are grateful to the Arts Council of Ireland for the annual partnership funding the organisation provides, which allows us to create this new award, at an opportune time for film development in the county”.

The closing date for receipt of applications is set at 4pm on Thursday October 13th, 2022

Applications should be emailed to arts@westmeathcoco.ie  by 4pm on Thursday October 13th 2022 with WESTMEATH FILM AWARD 2022 in the SUBJECT.

Evaluation and Assessment

Proposals will be evaluated under the following criteria:

  • Presentation professionalism of proposalpresentation. (10%)
  • Originality uniqueness and creativity and originality of the story. (30%)
  • Clarity in dialogues, narrative arc, sound, visual and understanding. (20%)
  • Plot how the story unfolds. The actions, events, conflicts and turning points that propel the story forward. (20%)
  • Feasibility of Production elements (production plan, shooting schedule, budget). (20%)

Westmeath Film Award Guidelines & Conditions:

  1. Quality proposals are encouraged from filmmakers who have developed their professional practice in filmmaking.
  2. One of the core creative team (Writer/Director/Producer) must be from or living in Westmeath. (Proof of personal address is required)
  3. Applicants must have a short drama script or documentary treatment, of 10-12 minutes in duration to shoot in Westmeath. Film application that indicate/read as longer than 15 minutes will be deemed ineligible.
  4. Applicants must illustrate that they have full legal rights to the material they are submitting.
  5. Applications need to provide all the inclusions indicated in the Application check-list.
  6. The shoot must take place in Westmeath, and thus applications need to display knowledge of Westmeath as a location for filming.
  7. Only one application per filmmaker or legal entity will be accepted.
  8. Opportunities to have the film screened in Westmeath will be explored, and suggestions around same may be included in application.
  9. Westmeath County Council cannot undertake to support a proposition that would conflict its mandate as a local authority.
  10. Projects that need significant additional finance (e.g. drama based), have been part-shot or have been shot entirely are not eligible to apply.
  11. The Westmeath Film Award is to a maximum of €10,000. If a balance of funds is required, then the source must be identified clearly and detailed in your proposal.
  12. Applicants must illustrate that they will have the production completed, including all post production by the end of March 2023. If a production has not commenced within two months of Westmeath County Council announcing the successful applicant then Westmeath County Council retains the right to award the Award to number two on the panel.
  13. All applicants must have an Irish Revenue Access Number (formerly Tax Clearance Certificate) from the Office of the Revenue Commissioners.
  14. Codes of Practice Observance; Child First Guidelines including appropriate Garda Vetting procedures, Health & Safety Regulations, Equal Opportunities policies and procedures must be in place and adhered to where relevant and in all cases.
  15. Westmeath County Council and the Arts Council must be acknowledged by the applicant on all websites and social media platforms, publicity, press and marketing material produced in connection with the Film and Film Award.
  16. Westmeath County Council’s logo and the logo of the Arts Council must be included in the final cut, in all associated printed material, on posters, flyers etc and on all websites. Copies of all such material produced must be sent to Westmeath Arts office.
  17. Please note that Westmeath County Council reserves the right not to award the film award if none of the applications received are deemed to be suitable. In this instance Westmeath County Council reserves the right to pursue a different process.
  18. Eligibility and compliance with these guidelines and conditions does not guarantee receipt of an award.
  19. Acceptance of these conditions and guidelines is implied by submission of an Application to the Westmeath Film Award 2022.

Freedom of Information:

Westmeath County Council proposes that the following information relating to this film award application will be made available on request: the name of the successful applicant/s. The reason/s an applicant did not qualify for grant consideration. Westmeath County Council undertakes to use its best endeavours to hold confidential, any information provided by applicants, subject to its obligations under law, including the Freedom of Information Act 1998 and 2003. Applicants are requested to consider if any of the information supplied should not be disclosed because of its sensitivity. If this is the case, candidates should, when providing the information, identify same and specify the reasons for its sensitivity. If such information is not identified as sensitive and Westmeath County Council upon consideration does not deem it sensitive, then such information is liable to be released in response to a Freedom of Information request without further consultation with the applicant. Westmeath County Council will consult with any candidates about sensitive information before making a decision on any Freedom of Information Act request received.
