NPWS Farm Plan Scheme call for new applications - the Farm Plan Scheme supports farmers to deliver targeted biodiversity outputs above and beyond their statutory obligations. The scheme operates results-based payments and also provides financial support for capital works that will contribute to the achievement of the biodiversity goals. The Farm Plan Scheme directly contracts experienced farm planners to work with and support farmers in the implementation of their plan and the delivery of their biodiversity goals. For further information on the NPWS Farm Plan Scheme : closing date for applications Friday 4th August.
Pilot Conservation Advice Grant Scheme for vacant traditional farmhouses The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage has introduced a new pilot scheme to provide grants for expert conservation advice to owners of vacant farmhouses in private ownership who are availing of and/or considering the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant.The Conservation Advice Grant Scheme for Vacant Traditional Farmhouses will provide grants of up to €7,500 (ex VAT) to cover the cost of having a conservation expert with proven and appropriate expertise visit a property, conduct a survey, and compile tailored conservation advice for the property owner. For details see:
Heritage Week 12th – 20th August is fast approaching. I would be happy to discuss event ideas - if you have an idea that you would like to develop please get in touch. Please register your Heritage Week events online by Fri 30th June to ensure that they are included in the hard copy County Guide.
LAWPRO Water Heritage Day Grants Scheme - Sunday 20th August 2023 is Water Heritage Day for details of the grant scheme see: see Closing date: Monday 10th July at 4pm.
Athlone Castle Visitor Centre is creating a record of the social history of the families who resided in Athlone Castle, that will form the basis of a temporary exhibition, entitled ‘Stories from Athlone Castle’ during this year’s Heritage Week in August. ‘Stories from Athlone Castle’ project is supported by the Heritage Council under the IWTN Heritage Interpretation and Events Grants 2023.If you, your family members or friends would like to share their stories of their life in Athlone Castle please email or telephone 090 6442130 as soon as possible.
The latest Decade of Centenaries Blog by Historian in Residence Ian Kenneally 'The Road to Ballymore' discusses events which led to the shooting of Bertles in Jan 1923. Read it here:
Sat 24th June 11am – 5pm Plant Fair, Tullynally Castle free admission to the fair (not the gardens)
Sun 25th June Streete Vintage Show Streete Parish Park N91 RC43 information 087 137522
Tues 27th June, 10am - 5pm Appreciating & Minding Our Vernacular Architecture Study Day, City Assembly House & Online; The Irish Georgian Society in partnership with the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage, Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage is delivering a study day that will present research and insights into the history and conservation of Ireland’s built vernacular heritage. Presentations will examine the materials and methods used to both build and repair Ireland’s vernacular architecture with best practice conservation showcased. Full details and bookings via the Irish Georgian Society’s website (or ph:01 679 8675 The study day will be of interested to owners and occupiers of vernacular buildings, as well as heritage professionals and practitioners responsible for their maintenance and care. (Price: €50 in person or €40 online)