Are you over 60? Do you have a tablet but aren't sure how to get the most out of it? Westmeath Libraries and Westmeath Community Development are offering Free IT Training to help you learn all there is to know about your tablet.
This training will be offered in three libraries; Castlepollard, Mullingar and Athlone.
This course will be 2 hours in duration and will go on for 5 weeks. Please make sure you will be able to attend all five sessions.
3rd, 17th,24th April, 8th, 15th May
4th, 11th, 18th, 25th April, 2nd May
6th, 13th, 20th, 27th April, 4th May
Please note there is a Bank Holiday on Monday the 10th of April and Monday 1st of May- classes will not be on for those dates, alternative dates have been added. If you would like to book yourself into one of the locations for training, please respond by email ( or call (044-9348571).
Booking is essentially as there is limited capacity. Closing date for booking is the 31st of March.
Remember you can keep up with all the library events by subscribing to our Online Newsletter, or clicking on our Events page.