Westmeath Libraries are working with Music Generation Westmeath to offer low-cost quality instruments to rent. You must be a registered adult borrower with Westmeath Libraries. Not a member? Sign up in your local library today, membership of the library is free to all. If you are unsure of your library card number please get in touch and we can check your details
Email musicgenerationwestmeath@lwetb.ie for availability of instruments first, and then fill out this online form. Please be aware that there is a fee payable to Music Generation Westmeath for this loan scheme. We can then arrange for the instrument to be delivered to your local library, ready for you to collect and start practicing. Why not share a photo of video with us of you playing music, tag us on social media, or use #MGWInstrument
For more information about the Music Generation Westmeath Instrument loan scheme please contact musicgenerationwestmeath@lwetb.ie
This article was published on: 10th June, 2024
Filed under: Library News, Library of Things
Tags: instruments, music, Music Generation, Westmeath