My Open Library launched in Mullingar Library

Mullingar Library is a welcoming space at the heart of the local community, and it is even easier to visit now with the introduction of the new My Open Library service.

My Open Library allows access to the library during unstaffed hours, 365 days a year from 8AM -10PM. Its perfect for commuters, students, families and adults looking for a quiet space at a time that suits them.

MOL members can connect to the Wifi, access library pcs, study, print/ photocopy and enjoy the library the space.

Adults 18+ and students 16+, with guardians’ permission, may join the service.

My Open Library is already running in Castlepollard and Moate Libraries and has been embraced by both local communities.

Phone 044 933 2161, email or call into Mullingar Library for more information about how to register for this new service.

Pictured is Elaine Perry, the first official user of the new My Open Library service at Mullingar Library. Remember to stay up to date with all our news and events by following us on social media :
