Sensory spaces and Magic Tables

Sensory Spaces

Westmeath Libraries are delighted to make available our new Sensory Spaces in Athlone and Mullingar libraries. These spaces are available for use by children and adults of all ages and abilities. A mobile sensory unit is also available for booking in Castlepollard Library. If you would like to visit and use our Sensory Spaces please contact your local library. 

Athlone Library - 090 6442157 or email

Castlepollard Library - 044 9332199 or email

Mullingar Library - 044 9332161 or email

Please read our  Policy on use of Sensory Spaces before visiting. We also have some short videos available that we recommend you watch before visiting to get to know what is in the Sensory Space.

Magic Tables

Magic tables are available in Castlepollard, Mullingar and Athlone. This equipment is also bookable. This equipment provides support for people with cognitive impairment such as dementia, it can also be used by a wide range of children and adults for fun, for improving motor control and improving eye hand coordination. To book please contact your local library

Athlone Library - 090 6442157 or email
Mullingar Library - 044 9332161 or email
Castlepollard Library - 044 9332199 or email

Supported by DRCD and Westmeath County Council
