Why not celebrate Get Ireland Growing day, by using as many homegrown ingredients as possible in creating a delicious meal, ideal for outdoor dining?
My meal is of barbequed Vegetable Skewers with a Salad, followed by barbequed Spuds with homemade Pesto.
I already had a batch of my “Back Garden Pesto” made (and it featured in a previous WL Blog), and so for this Meal, I started by preparing the Skewers. I chopped the vegetables into large pieces, and marinaded them in olive oil, paprika and a little chilli. After that, I washed the spuds. I had to chop them into smaller pieces, but ideally whole, smaller ones would work better if you have them.
In my Chick Pea Salad, I put a variety of salad leaves, cucumber and carrot, red onion and pea shoots. The salad dressing is olive oil, salt and pepper, and a couple of drops of Doterra lemon (essential oil).
The Skewers were quick to cook. I had purposely chosen contrasting flavours and textures, for maximum taste impact. Two skewers are enough per person, I think.
As soon as the Skewers came off the barbecue, I popped on the spuds. These take a while but make a lovely second course, eaten with a knob of butter and some pesto.
This meal is a great one to share outdoors with family and/or friends. Enjoy your seasonal dining, and Well Done to all who grew their own dinner!
This article was published on: 18th June, 2021
Filed under: What we do
Tags: gardening, Get Ireland Growing, GIF, GIY