Bookclub reads The Great Alone

Westmeath Libraries Bookclub has been meeting online on Zoom during lockdown. Our most recent meeting was held on 30th September where we discussed The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah (search the library catalogue or download the ebook/eAudio).

There was a small turnout, but all the comments at the meeting and on our facebook group were very positive. Many of us hadn't expected to enjoy it, saying the book wasn't our usual genre, but everyone who commented ended up thoroughly enjoying the story.

A few felt it was a little long, but all the same it kept us entertained and engaged throughout the whole story. Have you read The Great Alone? Or any other books by Kristin Hannah? Let us know if you enjoyed them. One of our members had read her book The Nightingale, and other expressed an interest in reading more by her.

At the moment the book club is deciding what to read next, the three choices for October are:

Why not join us? Email or join our facebook group to stay up to date,

This article was published on: 4th October, 2021
Filed under: Reading
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