
16 October 2023
Free bedtime story books for all children, 4 years of age and under

 On the 6th October Roderic O’ Gorman, Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and Heather Humphreys, Minister for Rural and Community Development announced the First 5 Little Book at Bedtime initiative, in collaboration with public libraries and the Local Government Management Agency. Free bedtime story books and library card wallets are available at […]

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16 October 2023
Babies love Books! Find out more with Westmeath Libraries.

Do you know it’s never too early to start the reading habit? Westmeath Libraries is committed to supporting families in building their reading confidence and instilling a love of reading for fun.  A new Reading to your Baby guide has been launched with partners from Westmeath County Childcare Committee, Westmeath Community Development’s Empowering Communities Programme […]

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23 February 2023
Ireland Reads 2023

Whether you are seasoned reader or ready to fall in love with literature again, join us for Ireland Reads on Saturday 25th February. Ireland Reads is a national day of reading and we encourage everyone, no matter their age or stage of reading to ‘Squeeze in a Read’ and take a pledge to read on […]

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23 December 2022
2023 Reading Inspiration

As 2022 draws to a close it is time to start thinking about the new year, and some 2023 Reading Inspiration! Why not sign up for our reading challenge, it is simple to take part. We'll provide you with twelve prompts to inspire your reading over the next year. You don't have to read all […]

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26 January 2022
Book review: Between Two Hells: The Irish Civil War

Diarmaid Ferriter’s new history of the Irish Civil War seeks to get at the human experience and day-to-day texture of the war and its aftermath. In Between Two Hells, combat itself is skimmed over quickly. Other books have dealt with the strictly military side of things, but Ferriter has other interests. He has delved into […]

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4 October 2021
Bookclub reads The Great Alone

Westmeath Libraries Bookclub has been meeting online on Zoom during lockdown. Our most recent meeting was held on 30th September where we discussed The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah (search the library catalogue or download the ebook/eAudio). There was a small turnout, but all the comments at the meeting and on our facebook group were very positive. […]

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6 July 2021
Just In! episode 3

New books just arrived in the library on 6th July 2021 First off we have some children's books as we are right in the middle of our Summer Stars adventure! I stole my genius sister's brain by Jo Simmons - Request from the library or Download the ebook Pizazz by Sophy Henn - Request from […]

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21 April 2021
Wolfson History Prize shortlist 2021

Do you enjoy reading non-fiction books? Is history your favourite topic to delve into? In that case maybe the shortlist of this year's Wolfson History Prize will provide you with some new and engaging reading. This prize has been awarded annually for more than 40 years and recognises and celebrates books which combine excellence in […]

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16 April 2021
2021 Hugo finalists

The Hugo awards celebrate the world of science fiction and fantasy. Every year they are awarded at a convention that travels the world. Anyone who signs up to attend the yearly convention is a member and can nominate and vote on the winners. This year's nominees in have just been announced, Due to the current […]

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14 April 2021
Join us for a zoom cuppa & chat

You're invited to join Annemarie Ní Churreáin for a zoom cuppa & chat this evening (14 April 2021) at 7pm. We'll be meeting for an hour to read and discuss Pangur Bán, an Old Irish poem (9th century) by an Irish monk about his cat! We'll read Heaney's English translation here (and his translator's notes) And I'm delighted that book-club […]

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