Podcast: Laurence Ginnell–Part 1:the MP for Ireland

An image from the Daily Sketch newspaper, showing Laurence Ginnell's arrest in November 1916. He served three weeks in London's Brixton Prison

In the latest edition of our podcast series, Historian in Residence Ian Kenneally speaks with Dr Paul Hughes in the first of two episodes devoted to the remarkable political career of Westmeath’s Laurence Ginnell. The first episode covers the period 1908-1918, a time during which Ginnell established his reputation in the British House of Commons before joining Sinn Féin after the 1916 Rising.

This episode (and earlier editions) can also be found on anchor.fm/wcchistorian

More information on Ginnell’s career, as well as that of his wife, Alice King, can be found on Westmeath County Council’s Decade of Centenaries blog.

Dr Paul Hughes is a Mullingar-based journalist who holds a PhD in History from Queen’s University, Belfast (2018). His doctoral thesis explored the Irish republican activism of Laurence Ginnell (1852-1923). From March to July 2021, he held the post of Westmeath County Council’s Decade of Centenaries Historian in Residence. He works as sports editor with the Westmeath Examiner and contributes regular history columns to the newspaper.

Content Last Updated/Reviewed: 15/12/2021
