Healthy Ireland at Your Library

Public libraries are currently delivering the nationwide Healthy Ireland at Your Library programme that will establish libraries as a valuable source within the community for health information. We offer the following to our library community

Programmes and events

Talks, discussions and workshop health, mental health and health literacy. See our current Healthy Ireland events by clicking here 

Online resources

New e-books, e-audiobooks and e-magazines are accessible in every library and by remote access. Visit our Library Online and find out how to register with our online resources.

Book stock

A comprehensive collection of books on health and wellbeing. Search our catalogue or  download the following

Funding granted by Healthy Ireland has enhanced health and wellbeing book collections (digital and hardcopy), and provided for staff training, events, and promotion. The Healthy Ireland at Your Library programme will continue to build on this and contribute to improving the health, wellbeing, and overall quality of life of communities and individuals at all life stages.
