Join us for a zoom cuppa & chat

You're invited to join Annemarie Ní Churreáin for a zoom cuppa & chat this evening (14 April 2021) at 7pm. We'll be meeting for an hour to read and discuss Pangur Bán, an Old Irish poem (9th century) by an Irish monk about his cat!

We'll read Heaney's English translation here (and his translator's notes)

And I'm delighted that book-club regular Jack O Sullivan will read aloud an Irish version of the poem. AND we'll be treated to a reading tomorrow night by Dalia Smelstoriute who has kindly agreed to share with us her Lithuanian translation.

So, one poem across three languages!  

As always, there's no requirement to do any reading in advance. Simply come along, and enjoy! Email Annmarie directly for the zoom link -
