Leo Daly

3 August 2023
Leo Daly

LEO DALY, Writer, Photographer and Broadcaster: was born in Mullingar in Mullingar in 1920.  Leo Daly’s contribution to the literary and cultural life of Mullingar was enormous.  In the 1950s and 60s he wrote several plays which were widely produced.  A keen Joycean scholar Leo wrote two books and several articles dealing with James Joyce […]

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4 July 2023
Adolphus Cooke

Adolphus Cooke of Cookesborough (1792-1876) – Eccentric : Adolphus Cooke was probably the greatest eccentric Westmeath has yet produced. The illegitimate son of Robert Cooke, he was educated in England and served under Wellington in Spain and Portugal before traveling through Africa. Robert Cooke died in 1835; as his two legitimate sons had predeceased him, […]

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