Mullingar Library

5 October 2022
Sibhialta Atá mé -  Civil I am

Westmeath County Council, as part of its Decade of Centenaries programme, welcomes a new exhibition of photos from the Irish Civil War. Titled ‘Civil I Am’, the exhibition showcases around 40 images from the conflict, all collected from various archives and libraries. Curated by Galway-based historian Damien Quinn, the exhibition was recently displayed in Galway’s […]

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20 September 2022
Handspinning event in Mullingar Library

On Saturday last, 17th September 2022, Mullingar Library hosted Áine Dunne for a hands-on demonstration of some hand spinning techniques. This workshop was booked out well in advance. Áine brought along a bag of raw wool, as well as some she had washed, and a small sample of Alpaca wool. She then demonstrated how to […]

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13 September 2022
I love you Dave Taylor

A matinee of storytelling, prose, poetry, and extraordinary performances will take place on the 24th of September in theLibrary in Mullingar. With the support of Westmeath County Council, under the Local Live Performances Scheme (LLPS4), screenwriterand author Ronika Merl is bringing her celebrated show from Dublin to Mullingar.The show begins at 10.30am, in the Library […]

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11 September 2022
Hammerlake Open evening

An information evening with HAMMERLAKE studio is happening 13th September from 6-7.30 pm in Mullingar Library. Some of those in attendance includes : National Film/TV Training agencies, Edwina Forkin Producer Zanzibar Films, Edwina has over 60 credits as a Producer - Most recently, 'As Luck would have it’ with Allen Leech (of Downton Abbey) Gordan Wycherley […]

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4 August 2022
Thomas Pakenham introduces Tullnally Archive

Thomas Pakenham from Tullynally Castle talks about the archive held in Tullynally. The documents date from the 18th , 19th and 20th centuries and include maps, rent receiving books, and wage ledgers. The historic maps, some of which pre-date the Ordnance Survey maps, are beautifully executed and provide detail on the extent of landholdings and […]

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10 June 2022
Book Club

Interested in joining a book club? We have plenty of options for you in Westmeath with book clubs for Adults and Children in different libraries around the county. Athlone Library host a children's book club "A Novel Idea" once a month. This group is full at the moment but if your child is interested in […]

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4 December 2020
Anne reviews The Scandal

The Scandal  by Fredik Backman review by Anne Byrne The Scandal is set in a small Swedish town called Beartown, and the community of Beartown live for hockey. They hope to win the league so that people with invest in their town. The author helps us understand the characters, and their hopes dreams, fears and […]

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